Game Title Screen Research


Market Audience: Children

3 Facts:

NPD’s study, titled Kids and Gaming 2011, reveals that kids aged 2 to 17 are the fastest-growing gaming demographic segment in the US

Tablet usage among children has soared from 3% in 2011 to 13% in 2012, with tablets used most amongst younger children according to the NPD group.

It’s been recorded that children spend at least 5 days a week using mobile devices such as; tablets, and I pads with an average session lasting under an hour

Type of Game: Platform

A platform game is heavily relies upon the users ability to run and jump onto varies interactive objects within a 2D plane, and on a rolling screen. This type of gaming genre was developed in the 1980s and is one of the earliest video games developed

Chosen Artist: Georgia O’Keeffe



Georgia O’Keeffe was born November 15 1887, and died in March 6 1986. She was an American artist and first came to the New York art community in 1916. While nature was her main source of inspiration, the time she spent in 1920s Manhattan spurred the creation of surreal efforts like New York With Moon, City Night and The Shelton with Sunspots

While nature was her main source of inspiration, the time she spent in 1920s Manhattan spurred the creation of surreal efforts like New York With Moon, City Night and The Shelton with Sunspots. In addition to this in the mid-1920s, she had become the first female painter to gain acclaim alongside her male contemporaries in New York, and was considered as the ‘Mother of Modernism’. Georgia O’Keeffe used bright, natural colours in her artwork and tended to work on canvas, or board. She was apart of the movement of American modernism, and her work was a reflection of her love for nature.


Concept Board


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